Avantechno equipment is positioned directly on the defective block and works in a semi-automatic mode. The machinery operates in any position and can be placed under any angle.
The Avantechno boring and welding complex was designed basing on a huge experience of exploiting and application of the similar equipment produced by other manufacturers. Our R&D team successfully achieved the goal to create a tool that is rid of all the competitors' drawbacks.
The mobile complex provides the unique capability of on-site restoring of worn-out cylindrical pin-joints in the parts of various kinds of machinery and technological equipment: road construction machines, skylifts, railway equipment, naval engines, heavy-duty printing equipment and many other application areas.
Avantechno has two business-units: one responsible for equipment sales and servicing and the other dedicated to providing customers with heavy-duty machinery on-site restoring services though our mobile team.
Please do not hesitate to
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our office for any kind of further information regarding our equipment and its utilization.